Discounts codes and offers

I am absolutely delighted to be able to offer you the following discount codes and special offers on photography products.



The great companies involved...



Formatt Hitech 10% off.

Pixpa website building platform 25% and an extra 20% off.

Skylum Luminar 4  €10.- or $10.- off worldwide.

Vanguard USA 15% off.

Novo tripods 10% off.

A few more companies will be joining me shortly also in the coming months.




"Formatt Hitech discount promo code 2018 2019", "Brand ambassador Firecrest Formatt Hitech"Formatt Hitech Ambassador

Formatt Hitech Firecrest Filters.

The Firecrest range of filters are the only filters I personally use. They are without doubt the best filters on the market and their service is second to none also.

I am a Featured Artist, Photography Educator and Brand Ambassador for Formatt Hitech, our close working relationship continues to grow and develop with some fantastic new products on the way shortly.

Please check my discount code page here for the code and any special offers before you buy your filters.

If you have any questions then please feel free to ask, I am only too happy to help.




Pixpa website building platform.

I personally use Pixpa for two of my photography website and I will be moving all three there shortly, their platform is so easy to use and yet it at the same time you can add code and javascript to pages if you feel up to it also.

I started as a client with Pixpa and after using it for a few weeks I got chatting to them and now I am an ambassador for their products.

I have a complete blog post here on my experiences with Zenfolio, Squarespace, Wix, Wordpress and a few more including Pixpa of course.

I have also a discount code page for Pixpa where you can get the latest discount code and I also show you how to save even more money with their service click here to view it.

If you have any questions then again please feel free to ask.




Skylum Luminar 4

Luminar 4 is a great photography editing bit of software on it's own but pairing it up with Lightroom or Photoshop as a plugin in is just amazing.

That's personally how I use it and as I said above it is a great app even on its own and with €10.- or $10.- off the price its even better value than ever.

To find out more about it have a read of my blog post where I compare it to Lightroom and don't forget to check out my discount code page here, where I explain how to get the extra discounts.

If you already have Luminar 4 did you know there is a free update now to Luminar 4.3 click here to find out what's new in it.


If you have a question then as always please feel free to ask.




Vanguard USA

I can offer you 15% off all Vanguard products including tripods and awesome camera bags via their online store in the USA.

To get the latest offers and discount code please check out my discount code page here.



Novo Tripods and accessories

I am currently using a Novo tripod and I am falling in love with it more and more every day.

I use the Explora T20 and I can honestly say it's a beast of a tripod.

My review of it will be up shortly but to find out more about it and to get the discount code for their range of products then please click here.



Thanks again and if you have any questions on the above then please feel free to ask me here.



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