I provide my online photography lessons via Skype
The lessons usually revolve around your images in 3 ways. I normally suggest you e-mail me a photograph you took recently and you want to improve on or to work on.
1.- How to take the photographs and guidance for future shoots including help in understanding your camera and how it works.
2.- How to edit the image to bring out its true potential. Normally I edit a shot in 5-12 minutes
3.- Best practice for all photographs also including the use of filters and how to achieve specific effects.
Alternatively, you decide and we spend the time on the topics you want to cover.
A one-hour session is €40.00
A Two-hour session is €75.00
Payment by Paypal or bank transfer
How the sessions work.
You book in a time that suits you and we share Skype details. At the agreed time (GMT) we have a Skype voice call or video call and I share my screen with you so you can see how I edit your photograph or point out specific ways to improve the image on screen this is also how I explain specific effects you can achieve while taking the photographs via images I have previously captured. It's the next best thing to attending a workshop.
To contact me to book in a session click here